The NLDS Conference - An AIESEC Experience

Satya Harshitha Danda
6 min readMar 21, 2023


National Leadership Development Summit 2023

The National Leadership Development Summit (NLDS) is a defining milestone for any AIESECer, marking a significant moment of camaraderie and a sense of belonging to the global youth organization. The NLDS plays a crucial role in setting the agenda for leadership development and unleashing the potential of young people across the nation. Moreover, it fosters a sense of inclusion by bringing members together for a four-day seminar, culminating in the sense of purpose and connection to the organization.

“The Lightning Before the Thunder” is the theme for this year’s NLDS that holds a symbolic significance. It is taken from the popular song by Imagine Dragons encapsulating the idea of a critical phase of groundwork that precedes the outcome or impact.

Just as lightning precedes the sound of thunder, the NLDS emphasizes the importance of laying the foundation for impactful leadership and creating a spark that ignites change. This theme encourages AIESECers to focus on the process of growth and development, emphasizing the importance of taking small, consistent steps toward a larger goal.


Day 1: Thundering Leadership

Day 1 of the NLDS focused on the theme of “thundering leadership,” which emphasizes the importance of driving change. The day’s activities were designed to help AIESECers understand and experience the organization’s six core values.

The first value, “striving for excellence,” is implemented through various fun games.

The second value, “demonstrating integrity,” is explored through team spirit activities that encouraged participants to work together to achieve a common goal.

The third value, “activating leadership,” is spotlighted through a skit that compares reel life to real life, emphasizing that true leadership requires action and not just words.

The fourth value, “living diversity,” is emphasized through a skit that promotes inclusivity and discourages gossiping. The skit serves as a reminder that diversity is a strength that should be celebrated and respected.

The fifth value, “enjoying participation,” is highlighted through a jiving activity, which encourages participants to have fun and enjoy the moment.

The sixth value, “acting sustainably,” is explored through a film on plastic, which highlights the importance of being environmentally responsible and taking steps to reduce waste.

Later, the concept of the Golden Circle was introduced, where we learned how to identify the “why,” “how,” and “what,” and how to use this framework to inspire and motivate themselves and others. And then participants were encouraged to dream of bigger things by writing a bucket list for NLDS. The day concluded with the Thunder Junction, providing an opportunity for AIESECers to connect and celebrate the start of NLDS.

Commissions & Workshops

Day 2: Thundering Growth

On Day 2, the NLDS continued with the “thundering growth” theme. The day started with a fun game of dog and bone, followed by dividing the delegates into groups with members from different entities to set the tone for teamwork and collaboration.

The day’s highlight is the World Café Session, where AIESECers gather to discuss and doodle on various cliches and topics while enjoying coffee and biscuits. This session encourages AIESECers to share their ideas, collaborate with others, and think creatively.

Two sets of learning labs were held on topics like the Art of Convincing, Anti-Fragility, the Johari Window, Time Management, Personal Branding, LinkedIn Upscaling, and Communication. These workshops are designed to help delegates develop essential skills for personal and professional growth.

In the commission exhibition, AIESECers learned about the various departments within AIESEC by engaging in conversations with the MC India Team. The commission corner offered delegates the opportunity to learn more about their department portfolios on a deeper level. For instance, our oGTa department had a mockup session where we built live CVs for each other.

Later in the “River of Life” session, we shared the ups and downs of our lives with the tribe, building a sense of connection and support.

The day ended with a CC Party blast, where AIESECers had the opportunity to let loose. We danced to the beats of the DJ and socialized with our peers, creating a memorable and enjoyable evening after a long day of learning and growth.

World’s Largest Lesson

Day 3: Thundering Impact

Day 3 was focused on the “Thundering Impact” theme, which aimed to teach delegates about the importance of positively impacting the world. The day started with a session on why it’s important to contribute to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how individuals can make a difference. This session inspired us to act toward creating a better world.

After this session, we visited a school as part of the “World’s Largest Lesson” initiative. During this visit, we taught the students about “food heroes” and the importance of sustainable food consumption and production.

Later in the day, we attended a session on sales pitch techniques called “Pitch Perfect.” This session taught us how to develop an effective sales pitch by focusing on prospecting, connection, value proposition, customizing the order, and closing the deal.

In the evening, participants took part in the experience delivery fair, which was a key part of the day. During this fair, participants pitched their ideas for exchanges in a challenging environment. This activity aimed to help participants develop their persuasive communication skills, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving skills. Finally, the day ended with a prom night, which was eagerly awaited by most people. However, those who were not interested, like me, enjoyed “Akela Night.”

Closing Ceremony

Day 4: Thundering Legacy

Day 4 featured the theme “Thundering Legacy,” which aimed to help participants reflect on their experiences during the conference and think about the impact they want to make in the future.

The day started with the tribe closing ceremony, which was an emotional farewell to peers. We had a chance to reflect on their experiences and share their thoughts with others. This activity aimed to help delegates appreciate the relationships they had formed during the conference and say goodbye to their peers in a meaningful way.

Later in the day, participants attended the Living Library event, where AIESECers shared their turning points in life. We listened to the stories of others and learned from their experiences.

In the afternoon, participants had a fun chat called “Koffee with Kendra,” where she discussed her journey and the challenges she faced in AIESEC.

Next, there was an activity called “Homecoming,” where all entities shouted their roll calls and jived. This activity aimed to help participants celebrate their diversity and appreciate the unique contributions of each entity.

Finally, the day ended with participants embracing the AIESEC spirit of India, uniting with the culture and heritage of India, and appreciating the diversity of the country.

I am grateful for this platform for providing the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals. And lastly, attending this NLDS is an unforgettable experience that has the potential to transform the way participants view themselves and the world around them. Through a combination of learning, reflection, and connection, we left the conference feeling inspired, empowered, and ready to make a positive impact in our communities and beyond.

